Since a traditional human object detection system searched the human object in a huge region with the method of slide window and used a high dimension features to represent the human objects for a better classification taking high memory resources and time consummations,this paper proposed an improved method.An application of Gaussian mixture model(GMM) can coarsely extract the foreground and reduce the region,then the system searching human objects only in the foreground area,which speeded up the detection velocity and reduced the false positives error rate in a practical application.Owing to the high dimension of histogram of oriented gradient(HOG) feature vector,it proposed a novel descriptor which was called PCA-HOG.This descriptor used a classical dimension reduction method called principal component analysis(PCA) to reduce the dimension of raw HOG.The novel descriptor had a lower dimension feature vector than that of HOG,so it gave a much faster speed of the detect window classification.The detect rate of PCA-HOG was almost as high as that of HOG.The experiment shows that the human object detection system combined with the PCA-HOG descriptor and Gaussian mixture model gives a remarkable performance of detection rate.
Application Research of Computers