采用运气轮博弈范式探讨后悔的加工时程。分析决策正误的ERPs发现,170~300ms决策错误比正确诱发更为负走向的波,表现为典型的FRN(feedback-related negativity,FRN);300~400ms决策正确比错误诱发更大的P300。500~900ms决策正确比错误诱发更大的LPC(late positive component,LPC),并表现出明显的右半球优势效应。上述结果支持了FRN加工反馈刺激显著性信息和P300加工反馈刺激效价的观点,研究发现后悔与LPC可能具有密切关联。将来研究须在控制得失程度的基础上,考察FRN、P300和LPC与效价、得失及得失程度和情绪体验的关系。
Regret is an emotion associated with a decision that turns out badly. It is classically elicited by a comparison between the outcome of a choice ( what is) and the better outcome of foregone rejected alternatives ( what might have been). This comparison process is counterfactual thinking. Little research focuses on what course has experienced from facing decision making outcome to producing regret. Using a simple decision-making task, researches find out that negative feedback induces more negative wave than positive within the 200 - 300ms window following the presentation of the feedback stimuli. Partial studies point out that 19300 is sensitive to correct-and-error. These two components are probably related to the process of regret. Eighteen healthy undergraduates participated in this study. On each trial, the subject viewed two gambles where different probabilities of financial gain or loss were represented by the relative size of colored sectors of a circle. The preferred gamble was indicated by the subject by means of a left or right button press. Once selected, the chosen gamble was highlighted on the screen by a white square, which is a 3000ms duration. The outcome of the selected gamble, which is a 3000ms duration, resulted in financial gain or loss for the subject. Red indicates the subject' s decision-making is error. Blue indicates it is correct. The results were analyzed with the three-way repeated measures ANOVA for the feedback-related negativity (FRN), P300, and LPC (late positive component). The three factors were decision-making' s outcome, left-right electrode sites and brain sites. The ANOVA results indicated that there was a significant difference between the correct/error decision making on FRN amplitude, p 〈. 001. A significant interaction effect was found between decision-making' s outcomes and brain regions on P300 amplitude, p 〈. 001. The simple effect analysis showed that the frontal region, the central region, and partial region had a significant difference on P300 amplitude, ps 〈. 05. A significant interaction effect was found between decision-making' s outcomes and brain regions on LPC amplitude, p 〈. 05. The simple effect analysis showed that the frontal region, and the central region had a significant difference on LPC amplitude, ps 〈. 05. In conclusion, those results demonstrate that FRN mainly process the significance information provided by feedback stimuli ; P300 mainly process the valence of feedback stimuli ; regret is probably related to LPC. In the future, it is necessary to control the magnitude of gain-and-loss to probe into those relationships.
Journal of Psychological Science
regret, feedback-related negativity, P300, late positive component, event-related potential