
不确定性、情绪对公正判断的影响 被引量:16

Effects of Uncertainty and Emotion on Justice Judgment
摘要 本研究以不确定管理模型为理论来源,采用实验法探讨了公正判断中的情绪效应。实验1采用2(两种情绪状态:愉快/愤怒)×4(四种结果:比自己多/一样多/比自己少/不知道)被试间设计。实验2采用2(两种情绪状态:愉快/愤怒)×3(三种程序:有发言权/外显无发言权/无发言权信息)被试间设计。分别考察了分配公正与程序公正判断中的情绪影响。结果发现:不确定性调节了情绪与公平判断之间的关系。当用于公平判断的外部信息不明确时,情绪充当了公平判断的线索。 There are two paradigms about the research of justice judgment. One is the relational-cognitive model, in which justice judgment is thought to be caused by moral reasoning. It emphasizes the careful evaluation and weighing of relevant information before a justice judgment or a judgment about what is fight or wrong is formed. The other is the subjective-emotional model, which emphasizes the importance of emotional influence. It proposes that people' s intuition strongly influences their justice judgments about what is right or wrong, and the reasoning pertaining to justice and morality is usually a post-hoc construction, generated after justice judgments have been reached on the basis of people' s intuitional feelings ( Haidt, 2001 ; Van den Bos, 2007 ). But there are few empirical studies to resolve the dispute between rationalist and intuitionist models. Based on the research of emotion and cognition and uncertainty management theory, this study focused on the issue of how people form justice judgments and under what conditions emotion as information may play a valuable role with 2 experiments. Experiment 1 explored the effect of emotion on the judgment of outcome justice. 200 students from two universities participated in the experiment and were randomly assigned to one of the conditions of the 2 ( emotional state : pleasant vs angry) × 4 (outcome of other participants: unknown vs. equal vs. worse vs. better) factorial design. The design was balanced with an equal number of participants taking part in each of the eight conditions. The results showed that only within the condition in which other's outcome was unknown, the participants in the pleasant condition judged their outcome to be more than the participants in the angry condition, F( 1,48) = 134. 85, p 〈 . 01. Experiment 2 analyzed the role of emotion in the judgment of procedural justice. 120 students from two universities were randomly assigned to one of the conditions of the 2 ( emotional state : pleasant vs angry) x 3 ( procedure: no-voice information vs. explicit no voice vs. voice) factorial design. The results revealed that of the three procedural conditions just only within the condition in which the participants received no voice information, the pleasant partipants judged the way in which they had been treated to be more than the an- gry partipants, F( 1,38) = 120. 55, p 〈 . 01. To sum up, these two experiments indicated that ( 1 ) uncertainty mediated the relationship between emotion and justice judgments. Under the conditions of information uncertainty, emotion acted as information. Individuals with positive emotion easily tended to make just decisions. And individuals with negative emotion tended to make unjust judgments. But under certainty conditions, the effect of emotion was not significant; (2) individuals had a fairness preference when they clearly knew the distributive outcome of others; (3) voice was a very important index as the judgment of procedural justice.
作者 方学梅 陈松
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期711-717,共7页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 国家社会科学基金(07BSH053) 教育部人文社科青年基金项目(12YJC190006) 上海市重点学科建设项目(B501)
关键词 公正判断 不确定性 情绪 分配公正 程序公正 justice judgment, uncertainty, emotion, distributive justice, procedural justice
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