
叙事取向团体辅导对大学生自我认同的干预研究 被引量:32

A Study of Intervention of Narrative Group Counseling on College Students' Self-identity
摘要 自我认同的发展与大学生心理健康水平及其今后的社会适应关系密切。本研究用叙事取向团体辅导对大学生自我认同进行干预。结果发现,叙事治疗强调的好奇、尊重、珍惜的态度,为被试创设了安全、温暖、支持的团体氛围;外化和解构使被试与问题拉开距离,探讨问题的影响力;寻找并丰厚特殊意义事件,让被试看到自身的正向力量和资源;局外见证人团队,进一步巩固被试身上的正向力量。结论:叙事取向团体辅导是促进大学生自我认同发展的有效途径。 Self-identity is the core of the personality development of youth, which affects the lifelong developrment of individuals. Self-identity formation is an important indicator of mental health. The development of self-identity has a close relationship with college students' mental health and the adaption to the society. However, the state of self-identity of college students is not optimistic. It is necessary to look for an effective approach to improve it. In the past, the research focused on the theories about self-identity. For example, the structrues and the factors of self-identity, the relationship between self identity and personality, the relationship between self-identity and mental health. But intervention research on it was rare. The core of narrative therapy is to focus on the positive aspects of the clients' experiences and to transfer the pessimistic self-identity to positive self-identity. Also, the group couseling is popular in mental health education in universities and it is effective to promote the college students' personality. This research used narrative group counseling as an intervention approach to explore the feasibility and effectiveness of narrative-oriented group counseling for college students to improve the level of self-identity, and to find the efficacy factor of the process, also provide reference for the scholastic mental health education. In this research, 36 college students were selected through recruitment on campus. They were tested with a quasi-experimental de- sign method, and then they were divided into an experiment group and a control group. The 18 college students in the experiment group were arranged to attend eight sessions of narrative-oriented group counseling, while the control group received no treatment. Throughout the experiment, all subjects participated in the pre-test, post-test and follow-up test. We tested the effectiveness of counseling by com- paring the within-subject and the between-subject of the two groups. In addition, we conducted a qualitative assessment of interviews, recordings and the feedback sheets to the group counseling. The results of the research revealed that narrative-oriented group counseling was an effective way to improve college students' selfidentity. In the instant test, the experiment group was significantly higher than the control group in the total level of self-identity, presented commitment and aspiration of future commitment(p 〈. 01 ,p 〈 0. 05 ,p 〈 0. 05 ). In the lasting test, the experiment group was significantly higher than the control group in the total level of self-identity, present commitment and aspiration of tuture commitment( p 〈. 001, p 〈. 01, p 〈. 001 ). The core and the skills of narrative therapy were the key therapeutic factors to improve the formation of selfidentity. According to the results, narrative therapy emphasizes curiosity, respect and cherish to creat a sate, warm and supporting atmosphere ; externalization and deconstruction make a distance between the members and questions, in order to discuss the influence of the questions; to look for and enrich the unique outcomes make the subjects realise their own positive resource; outsider witness groups can strengthen the subjects' agency. The conclusion is that narrative-oriented group counseling is effective in promoting the development of college students' self-identity. This research expands the application fields of narrative therapy and explores the efficacy factors and mechanism of narrative group counseling.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期730-734,共5页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 2011年度辽宁省经济社会发展研究项目(Lslktsz2011-086)的资助
关键词 叙事治疗 团体辅导 自我认同 大学生 narrative therapy, group counseling, self-identity, college students
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