针对煤矿的安全现状,提出了基于射频识别技术的矿井人员定位读写系统。该方案以TI公司单片机MSP430F5438为核心芯片,结合Chipcon公司的无线射频收发芯片CC1100和外围元器件设计工作频率为915MHz的读卡器。详细论述了读卡器的硬件原理和软件设计思想,给出系统原理图和软件设计流程图,以IAR Embedded Workbench V3.41A为平台进行系统软件的开发。最后分析系统的防碰壁原理和通信协议,采用F-ALOHA算法,以减少碰撞的发生,提高识别精度和效率。通过仿真比较F-ALOHA算法与ALOHA算法,采用F-ALOHA算法传输错误低。结果表明该方案是可行的,适合实际应用。
According to the safety situation of coal mine, read-write system applied for miner location was proposed based on RFID technology. This plan used MSP430F5438 of TI Company as core chip; card reader was designed of 915MHz combined with wireless radio frequency transceiver chip CCll00 of Chipcon Company and peripheral components. The hardware principle and software design of the card reader was discussed, and present the principle diagram of system and software design flow chart. IAR Embedded Workbench V3.41 was used as platform to develop system software. Then analyze the principle of system anti-collision and the communication protocol, using F-ALOHA algorithm to reduce the collision, enhance the recognition accuracy and efficiency. What's more F-ALOHA algorithm was compared with ALOHA algorithm by simulation, and the results show that transmission error of F-ALOHA algorithm is much lower. So the scheme designed is feasible, and it is suitable for practical application.
Computer Systems & Applications