
一种领域专家文献自动收集系统 被引量:2

Automatic Bibliography Integration System for Domain Experts
摘要 设计并实现了一种自动专家文献信息收集系统(BibCollector)。收录对象针对计算机科学技术领域的专家学者,收集范围涵盖国内外主要的全文数据库(SpringerLink,IEEE Xplore,ACM Digital Library,Elsevier Science Direct,中国知网CNKI和万方数据)和常用的引文数据库(SCI,EI,ISTP,CSCD)及专利数据库(Derwent)。该系统使用专家姓名和工作单位作为标识,判断记录相关性和去除重复项,生成的文献列表具有较高的准确度。该系统同时收集专家所发表的中文和外文文献,因此无论相比国外和国内的类似系统,该系统都具有数据来源更丰富的优势。该系统能为相关的文献收集工作节省大量人力。 We designed and implemented a system called BibCollector which can automatically collect the bibliography information from different databases. This system is targeted at experts in Information Technology (IT) domain. The databases covered include the most used ones such as SpringerLink, IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital Library, Elsevier ScienceDirect. Two main Chinese databases CNKI and Wanfang are also included. The citation databases that are covered include: Science Citation Index, EI, ISTP, CSCD. Besides these, the Derwent patent database is also included. We presented a method by using the name and affiliation/address of a person to accurately query from these databases. We also developed some algorithms to exclude the unrelated records and identify the duplicate ones. Comparing to the overseas and domestic counterparts, our system has advantages of richer record sources and more accurate results.
出处 《计算机系统应用》 2012年第6期115-120,共6页 Computer Systems & Applications
关键词 专家文献 文献自动收集 BibCollector 重复检测 bibliography collection bibCollector duplicate identification
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