
我国城乡社会保障均等化的评价与对策研究 被引量:10

Evaluation and Countermeasure of Promoting Equalization between Urban and Rural Social Security
摘要 当前我国社会保障处于非均衡发展状态,不同区域之间、城乡之间、群体之间仍旧存在社会保障的失衡。促进城乡社会保障均等化不仅是改善民生的题中之义,也是构建社会主义和谐社会的现实路径。使用变异系数、基尼系数和泰尔指数等方法测算我国城乡社会保障的均等化程度,客观反映社会保障的城乡差距,据此提出促进城乡社会保障均等化的对策建议,切实保障农村居民和城市居民平等接受社会保障服务的权利,实现我国社会公平。 The social security is in a non-equilibrium developing state in China currently; there still exist some gaps between different regions, between urban and rural populations, and between different groups. To promote the equalization of urban and rural social security to improve people's livelihood is not only a question of the meaning, but also the reality path of building a socialist harmonious society. Using the Variation Coefficient, Gini Coefficient and Theil Index and other methods, the paper tries to evaluate the equal degree of urban and rural social security, and reflect the gaps between the urban and rural social security objectively. The paper also proposes the countermeasures for promoting the equalization on urban and rural social security, which could protect the equal rights between rural residents and urban residents to achieve the social justice.
作者 姜鑫 罗佳
机构地区 重庆工商大学
出处 《当代经济管理》 2012年第4期47-51,共5页 Contemporary Economic Management
基金 国家社会科学基金项目<成渝"试验区"城乡基本公共服务均等化政策绩效评价研究>(09XZZ014)
关键词 城乡差距 社会保障 变异系数 基尼系数 泰尔指数 the gap between urban and rural social security Variation Coefficient Gini Coefficient Theil Index
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