
皮秒级时间分辨超快高能脉冲激光光谱 被引量:3

Picosecond time-resolved spectroscopy of ultrafast & high energy pulsed laser
摘要 介绍了一种利用光电摄谱法和条纹管相结合测量ps级时间分辨超快高能脉冲激光光谱的方法。论述了条纹相机工作原理和平面衍射光栅的分光原理,分析指出利用介绍的装置,可以实现波长300nm~1 600nm、脉宽>2ps超快高能脉冲激光的光谱测量。采用1 054nm超快高能脉冲激光器,实验得到了条纹像,对条纹像进行数据处理后得到测量光谱曲线,通过能量标定后,得到了超快高能脉冲激光器实际光谱曲线,验证了ps级时间分辨超快高能脉冲激光光谱方法。讨论了系统中耦合透镜组对光谱测量和光纤色散角对条纹图像的影响,论述了ps级时间分辨超快高能脉冲激光光谱的作用。随着条纹管制造技术的飞速发展,该方法可用于fs级激光光谱的测量。 The method for measuring the spectrum of ultrafast high energy pulsed laser in picosecond pulse width was presented with combination of photoelectrical spectrography and streak camera.The operating principle of streak camera and spectrophometric principle of plane diffraction grating were described respectively.Through thorough analysis,we pointed out that the spectral measurement of ultrafast high energy pulsed laser with wavelength in 300nm~1600nm and pulse width above 2 ps could be achieved by using our described facility.The streak image was obtained by utilizing ultrafast high energy pulsed laser in 1054nm wavelength,and the measured spectral curve was derived by processing the data of streak camera,then the actual spectral curve was also given by calibrating the related energy parameters,the method for measuring the spectrum of ultrafast high energy pulsed laser in picosecond pulse width was proved.The influence of coupling lens on measuring spectrum and grating fiber's dispersion angle on streak image were analyzed finally,furthermore the role of spectrum for ultrafast high energy pulsed laser with picosecond pulse width was discussed.With the rapid development of the technology for manufacturing streak camera,the method will be used for measuring the spectral curve of laser with femtosecond pulse width.
出处 《应用光学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期604-608,共5页 Journal of Applied Optics
关键词 皮秒脉冲 激光光谱 条纹管 超快脉冲 picosecond pulse laser spectrum streak tube ultrafast pulse
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