
文学与日常中的规约性认知与个体认知 被引量:5

Conventional Cognition and Individual Cognition in Literature and Daily Life
摘要 无论在文学阐释还是日常认知中,经常会遇到规约性认知框架与个体认知框架的冲突,前者体现同类情景下的规约性认知假定、认知期待或认知草案,而后者则取决于文学作者的具体创作目的或认知者的个体经验等。在文学阐释中,如果我们旨在解读作者意在表达的主题意义,往往需要排除规约性认知框架的干扰,充分尊重作者偏离规约的认知方式。但对于研究日常认知的学者来说,往往两种认知方式都需要予以尊重。 No matter it is in literary interpretation or in daily life,there is often seen the contrast or conflict between conventional and individual ways of cognition. The conventional ways embody conventional assumptions,frames, scripts, schemata, or mental models, while the individual ways have to do with the literary writer's creative purposes or an individual's experiences. In literary interpretation ,if we aim to grasp best as we can the author's intended meaning, we often need to break free from the bondage of conventional interpretive frames and fully respect the author's deviant ways of cognition. In daily life, however, we need to respect both conventional and individual ways of cognition.
作者 申丹
出处 《外国语文》 北大核心 2012年第1期1-6,共6页 Foreign Languages and Literature
关键词 规约性认知 个体认知 冲突 选择 conventional cognition individual cognition conflict selection
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