

Service-Oriented Advanced Metering Infrastructure Based on OSGi Platforms
摘要 提出了一种基于开放服务网关规范的面向服务高级量测体系(AMI)的设计和实现方案。以Web服务组件作为OSGi平台对外服务发布/订阅的中介,OSGi技术构建的用户与电力公司之间的信息交互平台,面向服务的设计、封装与动态配置符合面向服务影响(SOA)体系架构。详细分析了以服务为导向的高级量测体系的功能部署,并以用户需求响应为例,采用MyEclipse搭建仿真系统,验证了该方案的可行性。 A service-oriented advanced metering infrastructure based on OSGi platforms was presented.According to this OSGi platform,a web service bundle was deployed which can publish its services and makes other information platforms able to utilize those services.A web service component as an intermediary publish/subscribe services to external OSGi platform,service-oriented design,packaging and dynamic configuration of OSGi platform was in line with service-oriented architecture.And a detailed analysis of features of service-oriented advanced metering infrastructure was presented.A simulation system for demand response using MyEclipse is built which verified the feasibility of the platform.
作者 李勇
机构地区 温州市电力局
出处 《低压电器》 2012年第8期45-49,共5页 Low Voltage Apparatus
关键词 高级量测体系 开放服务网关规范 面向服务架构 用户门户 advanced metering infrastructure(AMI) open service gateway initiative(OSGi) service-oriented architecture(SOA) user sortal
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