1(Matthew Tindal, Christianity as Old as the Creation. Or the Gospel, a Republication of the Religion of Nature, Newburgh, N. Y. , 1798, pp. 295 -296.
2Remarks on a Passage in Doctor Price' s Observations on the American Revolution", American Museum, or, Universal Magazine, May 1791, p. 242.
3"The Benefits of Luxury. An Extract", Monthly Miscellany, Or, Vermont Magazine, Jul. 1794, p. 178.
4William Hillhouse, A Dissertation, in Answer to a Late Lecture on the Political State of America , Read in New -Haven, January 12th, 1789, during the Adjourned Sessions of the Honorable Legislature, New Haven, 1789, p. 9.
5Atticus, "Letter the First", Freeman' s Journal. Or, the North -American Intelligencer, May 3, 1786.