
20例骶管囊肿类型分析及发生机制的探讨 被引量:5

Type and occurrence mechanism for sacral meningeal cysts
摘要 目的骶管囊肿20例的类型分析及发生机制。方法 20例骶管囊肿病人在CT引导下经皮穿刺并注入非离子型造影剂(碘海醇),行囊肿造影;并在穿刺成功后、注入非离子型造影剂前、后三个不同时间点各抽取囊肿液2~5 ml进行实验室检查。结果 20例患者造影后显示12例囊肿与蛛网膜下腔相通,8例不相通;相通与不相通组比较氯离子、蛋白质含量有差异,不同时间点之间氯离子含量有差异。结论骶管囊肿可能分为囊肿与蛛网膜下腔相通型及不相通型两大类。 Objective To investigate the type and occurrence mechanism for sacral meningeal cysts.Methods 20 cases of sacral cyst patients were injected with non-ionic contrast agent(Iohexol) by CT-myelography visualized percutaneous puncture for cyst imaging,and at three different time points,which are after the successfully piercing,before and after injection of non-ionic contrast agent,2~5 ml of cyst liquid were extracted on laboratory tests.Results After angiography 12 cases of cyst showed communication with subarachnoid,8 cases without communication.There were differences in chlorideion and protein,and chlorideions were different at different time points.Conclusion Sacral canal cyst can be divided into cyst and subarachnoid interlinked type and true arachnoid cyst.
出处 《安徽医药》 CAS 2012年第3期320-322,共3页 Anhui Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal
基金 安徽省卫生厅基金项目(No09A092)
关键词 骶管 囊肿 经皮穿刺 sacral canal cyst percutaneous puncture
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