
中年糖尿病患者认知功能的观察 被引量:3

Observation on Cognitive Function of Middle-aged Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
摘要 [目的]研究中年2型糖尿病(T2DM)患者认知功能损害的特点及危险因素.[方法]58例T2DM患者为病例组,年龄、性别、文化程度等与之相匹配的59例健康者为对照组;应用蒙特利尔认知评估(MoCA)北京版量表及简易精神状态评价(MMSE)量表评估两组对象的神经认知功能,并测定其空腹血糖(FBG)、血脂、肝肾功能.[结果]病例组在视空间与执行功能、延迟回忆评分、MoCA总分较对照组明显减低(P0.05);患者体重指数(BMI)、FBG、非高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(NHDL-C)、胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)较对照组明显增高(P〈0.01),但高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)水平降低(P0.05).[结论]中年T2DM患者认知水平降低,提示中年T2DM患者可能存在加速脑老化的因素,引起认知功能下降. [Objective]To study the characteristics of cognitive impairment and risk factors of middle-aged patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM). [Methods] Totally 58 T2DM patients were selected as case group and 59 healthy subjects matched on the age, sex and education level were selected as control group. Montreal cognitive assessment (MoCA) (Beijing version) and Mini-mental state examination (MMSE) were used to evaluate the nerve cognitive function. Fasting plasma glucose(FBG), blood lipids and liver and renal function were measured. [Results]Compared with the control group, the visual space and executive function, delay memory score and total score of MoCA in the case group obviously decreased( P 〈0.01). There was no significant difference in other parameters between two groups( P 〉0.05). Compared with the control group, body mass index(BMI), FBG, non-high density lipoprotein cholesterol(NHDL-C), total cholesterol(TC) and triglycerides(TG) obviously increased( P 〈 0.01), and high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL) decreased in the case group ( P 〈 0. 05). There was no significant difference in low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL), alanine transaminase(ALT) and creatinine(CREA) between two groups( P 〉0.05). [Conclusion] Cognitive level in middle-aged patients with T2DM is decreased, which indicates that middle-aged patients with T2DM may have the factors accelerating brain ageing which lead to the decreasing of cognitive function.
出处 《医学临床研究》 CAS 2012年第4期660-662,共3页 Journal of Clinical Research
关键词 糖尿病 认知障碍 Diabetes mellitus cognition disorders
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