
利用现有环保设备降低火电厂PM_(2.5)颗粒排放的方法 被引量:8

Decreasing of PM_(2.5) Emission from Thermal Power Plant by Existing Environmental Protection Facilities
摘要 大气中的PM2.5颗粒对人体健康有长期的不利影响,越来越受到关注。火电厂PM2.5颗粒排放占全社会总量的10%,减排PM2.5十分必要。袋式除尘器通过选择合理的烟气除尘方式,静电除尘器通过选用合适的电源,都可实现对烟气中PM2.5捕捉率达到90%。利用蒸汽相变原理对湿法脱硫工艺流程加以改进可使吸收塔对烟气中PM2.5颗粒的脱除率达到50%以上。同时,降低电厂NOX和SOX的排放也是火电厂减少PM2.5颗粒排放的有效和必要措施。 PM2.5 in air which is harmful to the health has been drawing more attention.The PM2.5 emission from thermal power plants covers about 10% of total output by human activities.It is necessary to decrease the thermal power plant emission of PM2.5.The bag filter,which shall be properly operated,and the ESP,which shall be selected with proper power facilities,have high PM2.5 removal rate up to 90%.The scrubber of FGD,which shall be improved based on theory of heterogeneous condensation,could remove more than 50% PM2.5.Besides,measurements such as decreasing emission of NOX and SOX are effective and necessary to reduce PM2.5 output from power plant.
作者 高玮 叶勇健
机构地区 华东电力设计院
出处 《电力勘测设计》 2012年第2期27-31,共5页 Electric Power Survey & Design
关键词 火电厂 PM2.5颗粒 除尘 脱硫 脱硝 thermal power plant PM2.5 dust removal FGD DeNOx.
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