
影响大学衍生企业创建的内在因素:基于大学自身的视角 被引量:1

The Internal Factors Affecting University Spin-offs:Based on University Level View
摘要 在考察促进大学衍生企业创建的原因时,许多学者倾向于从宏观层面(例如经济发展速度、市场潜力、政府政策、风险投资等)或者微观层面(例如企业家精神、企业家创业动机、企业家导向等)进行分析,而较少地立足于中观层面(大学自身)进行探究。为此,我们从大学自身的视角分析影响大学衍生企业创建的五个主要因素:学者型企业家、大学R&D成果的商业化应用、与发明者的权益分配制度、大学孵化器、大学的创业资金政策。 Previous researches which investigated the activities of university spin-offs' generation were mainly conducted at two levels:macro level(e.g.economic development,market potential,governmental policies and venture funding) and micro level(e.g.entrepreneur's ability,entrepreneurial motivations and entrepreneurial orientations).Few studies focused on the university level to explore factors that are also likely to influence the university spin-offs' creation.Thus,this study discusses academic entrepreneurship on the basis of five dimensions,namely,(1) academic entrepreneur,(2) RD commercial applications of university,(3) the inventor equity policies,(4) university incubators and(5) university funding policies of spin-offs,which affect the activities of university spin-offs.
出处 《上海商学院学报》 2012年第2期89-93,共5页 Business Economic Review
关键词 大学 大学衍生企业 学者型企业家 R&D 孵化器 university university spin-off academic entrepreneur R&D incubator
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