针对港口货船的焦炭称量问题,设计基于Visual Basic6.0的港口运料系统。上位机通过RS 232串口发出控制命令,控制下位机(散料秤)称量货物,再把数据实时返回到上位机,实现上位机和下位机的实时通信和上位机对下位机的控制。为了使得系统在工业控制应用中的功能更加完善,上位机还具备访问数据库、实时更新数据库以及打印报表等功能。
In order to weight the cargo's coke in the port,a port transportation system was designed based on Visual Basic 6.0.The PC sends out the control command through RS 232,controls lower computer(electronic balance) to weigh cargo,and timely returns the data to the upper computer to realize the real-time communication between upper computer and lower computer,and achieve the control of upper computer tolower computer.In order to cause the system to have more perfect function in industry control application,the upper computer also has the functions such as database visit,database real-time update and report form printing.
Modern Electronics Technique