

Study of the Relationship Between Enterprise Shareholding and Merger and Acquisition Performance
摘要 并购绩效研究一直是并购研究的热点,学者从不同的维度来解析并购绩效的影响因素,却没有一个统一的结论。本文试图从企业股权对并购绩效影响的早期研究出发,对企业股权与并购绩效之间关系研究的现状进行深度剖析,使企业股权与并购绩效二者之间关系的研究更系统化,从而对以后学者研究企业控股权与并购绩效之间的关系有一定的启示。 The performance is always a hot topic in the study of merger and acquisition. The scholars have been trying to interpret and analyze the factors of merger and acquisition performance from different perspectives; however, they couldn't reach a unified conclusion. Based on the previous study, this paper further explores the relationship between enterprise shareholding and merger and acquisition performance, which makes the study more systematic. This will be helpful to the later scholars.
出处 《天津商业大学学报》 2012年第3期8-11,F0003,共5页 Journal of Tianjin University of Commerce
关键词 并购绩效 股权集中度 机构股东 外资股东 merger and acquisition performance shareholding concentration institutional shareholder foreign shareholder
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