人事管理是一项繁锁的工作,如果人工进行统计,管理工作将十分繁重,而且不能保证其效率与正确性,本系统正是针对这一需求而设计开发的。系统是基于ASP技术和SQL Server2000数据库实现的三层结构的Web系统,通过ADO组件访问数据库,结合网络编程开发动态网页,可以实现系统管理、基础资料管理、薪资管理、考勤管理、生成报表等功能。系统具有友好的界面、良好的可扩展性。
Personnel management is a tedious task. If by manual statistics, the management work will be very heavy, and its efficiency and correctness can not be guaranteed. So this system is developed for this demand. The system is a three-tier web structure based on ASP technology and SQL Server 2000 database, and it can access database by ADO components. It can realize system management, basic information management, payroll management, attendance management, reports generation and so on by active web pages development. The system has friendly interface and good scalability.