
茂金属聚乙烯/高流动性聚丙烯流变行为研究 被引量:3

Rheological Behavior of High-Fluid Polypropylene Modified With Metallocene Polyethylene
摘要 为改善高流动性聚丙烯(HF-PP)的性能,采用茂金属乙烯-己烯共聚物(mEHC)和茂金属乙烯-丁烯-己烯三元共聚物(mEBHC)进行改性,通过熔融共混法制得mEHC/HF-PP和mEBHC/HF-PP共混物。研究了mEHC和mEBHC对HF-PP熔体流动速率和流变行为的影响。结果表明,mEHC/HF-PP和mEBHC/HF-PP共混物的非牛顿指数小于1;随着共混物中mEHC和mEBHC含量的增加,共混物的熔体流动速率下降,表观黏度逐渐升高;mEHC/HF-PP和mEBHC/HF-PP比纯HF-PP具有更强的黏温敏感性。 To improve the property of high-fluid polypropylene(HF-PP), HF-PP was modified with metallocene ethylene-hexene copolymer(mEHC) and metallocene ethylene- butene-hexene copolymer (mEBHC), respectively, mEHC/HF-PP and mEBHC/HF-PP composites were prepared through mechanical blending and the effect of mEHC and mEBHC on melt flow rate and theological behavior of HF-PP. The results show that the non-newtonian index of mEHC/HF-PP and mEBHC/HF-PP composites are less than 1. With the content of mEHC and mEBHC increasing, the melt flow rate of the composites decreases and the apparent viscosity increases. Both of mEHC/HF-PP and mEBHC/HF-PP have a stronger sensitivity of viscosity on temperature than that of pure HF-PP.
出处 《现代塑料加工应用》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第3期12-15,共4页 Modern Plastics Processing and Applications
关键词 茂金属聚乙烯 高流动性聚丙烯 熔体流动速率 流变行为 metalloeene polyethylene high-fluid polypropylene melt flow rate theological behavior
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