

Research on the coal mining total quantity control of China
摘要 煤炭生产和消费总量控制是事关煤炭资源可持续利用、安全生产、能源结构优化调整、应对气候变化进行碳减排的关键环节。因此,国家能源局已在公开场合多次明确提出,必须对我国煤炭生产总量实施控制,设置煤炭产量的“天花板”并科学地规划煤炭产能。本文通过对涉及煤炭总量控制目标内在影响因素及煤炭进出口贸易外在因素的综合分析,给出了我国不同阶段煤炭生产总量的控制目标,对于国家指导煤炭总量控制工作,制定总量控制措施具有重要的参考意义。 Coal production and consumption control is the key about a matter of sustainable use of coal resources, safety of mining, optimal adjustment of energy struction, the carbon emissions to address climate change. So,national energy administration repeatedly made clear that our coal mining quantity must be controlled and platfond of coal mining is set up to scientific plan coal production. Based on a comprehensive analysis about the intemal and extemal coal import factors related to the total coal control objective, the paper gives the total control objectives of coal at different stages which has important reference value for national guidance for total control of coal and formulate the total control measures in China.
出处 《全球科技经济瞭望》 2012年第4期48-51,共4页 Global Science,Technology and Economy Outlook
基金 国家能源局2010年软科学研究课题,同时获美国能源基金会(北京)中国可持续发展项目基金资助.
关键词 中国 煤炭 能源消费机构 煤炭进口安全警戒线 China coal energy consumption mechanism coal import safety warning line
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