
美国刑法共谋者替代责任规则之演进述评 被引量:1

Review on the Evolution of Co-conspirator Vicarious Liability Rule in American Criminal Law
摘要 共谋者是否对共同共谋者实行的实体犯罪承担替代责任,美国刑法以平克顿案为分水岭,经历否定论→基本肯定论→实质限定论的演变历程。类型弱化标准是可合理预见性标准的重述,可能无法确保对平克顿规则的严格限制。事实弱化标准或超出轻微参与标准,更有利于限制共谋者替代责任的适用范围,将轻微参与共谋而与实体犯罪的实行存在弱化关系的共谋者排除在替代责任的适用范围之外。事实弱化或超出轻微参与标准,对我国处理类似案件具有借鉴意义。 The issue as to whether a conspirator should be held liable for the substantive crimes committed by his co-conspirators has gone through a process of evolution from negativism to basical affirmativeness and finally to substantial restriction.The standard of attenuation in kind is the restatement of the standard of reasonable foreseeability.As a result,it could not impose strict limit on Pinkerton Rule.The standard of attenuation in fact or more than minor participation is better for imposing limit on conspiratorial vicarious liability and excluding the conspirators,who are minor participators in the conspiracy and attenuated from the substantive crimes,from the vicarious liability.It is necessary for Chinese Criminal Law to refer to the standard of attenuation in fact or more than minor participation to deal with the similar cases.
出处 《福建警察学院学报》 2012年第2期64-73,共10页 Journal of Fujian Police College
关键词 共谋罪 替代责任 平克顿规则 共犯责任 个人责任 conspiracy vicarious liability Pinkerton Rule accomplice liability personal guilt
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