
2000~2009年宁德市生态足迹和生态承载力研究——基于NFA计算方法(2010版) 被引量:2

Ecological footprint and biological capacity in Ningde during 2000~2009——based on the calculation methodology for NFA,2010 edition
摘要 为了展示国外生态足迹计算方法研究最新进展,并更准确和全面地揭示近年宁德市的生态足迹和生态承载力状况,运用NFA计算方法(2010版),计算和分析2000~2009年宁德市的生态足迹和生态承载力.结果表明:2000~2009年宁德人均生态足迹总体上持续快速增长,由2000年0.961 5 gha增长到2009年1.666 2 gha;人均生态承载力总体上轻微增长,由2000年1.510 0 gha增长到2009年1.566 4 gha;生态平衡从2009年开始由盈余变成赤字;碳吸收地从2003年开始在生态足迹结构中占据第一位,且呈快速扩大趋势;生态效率总体上呈现增长趋势,目前仅高于印度和我国平均水平,低于其他主要发展中国家,远低于主要发达国家. The calculation methodology for the National Footprint Accounts (NFA), 2010 edition, is ap- plied to calculating and analyzing ecological footprint and biological capacity in Ningde from 2000 to 2009, with the purpose of presenting the latest improvements internationally of the calculation methodology for ecological footprint and showing more accurately and comprehensively the development of ecological footprint and biological capacity in Ningde over the past years. The results indicate that during the period in Ningde, as per capita footprint grew rapidly almost all the time, it arrived at 1. 666 2 gha in 2009 from 0. 961 5 gha in 2 000 ; as per capita biocapacity increased slightly by and large, it got to 1. 566 4 gha in 2009 from I. 510 0 gha in 2000; ecological balance came to the turning point from surplus to overshoot in 2009 ; carbon footprint has become the largest one among the footprint components since 2003 and its percentage rose at a high rate; and although its eco-efficiency based on eco-footprint and GDP improved nearly all the way, currently its eco-effciency is just higher than those in India and China, but lower than those in the other main developing countries, even far lower than those in the main developed countries.
作者 邱寿丰
出处 《闽江学院学报》 2012年第2期134-140,共7页 Journal of Minjiang University
基金 福建社会科学规划项目(2009B067) 福建省科技计划重点项目(2008R0055) 福建省高校服务海西建设重点项目"促进海西经济发展和提升自主创新能力的政策及技术研究"(闽教高〔2009〕8号) 闽江学院专项计划项目"加快海西经济发展方式转变的财政金融政策研究"(YHZ10003)的大力支持
关键词 生态足迹 生态承载力 宁德市 ecological footprint biological capacity Ningde
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