
基于柔性期权契约的供应链协调分析 被引量:2

Analysis on coordination of supply chains based on flexible option contract
摘要 基于看涨期权柔性契约讨论了由一个制造商与一个零售商组成的两级供应链的协调问题。通过推导制造商的最优生产决策及零售商的最优订货决策,得到了使供应链整体利润达到系统最优利润的契约参数设置集合,且与批发价格契约相比,采用集合中的契约制造商、零售商及供应链的整体利润均高于批发价格契约下的利润。 On the basis of prospective flexible option contract,the coordination problem is analyzed of the two-level supply chain composed of one manufacturer and one retailer.By coordinating the optimal production decision-making of the manufacturer and the optimal goods-ordering decision-making of the retailer,the optimal contract parameter set is obtained when the optimal profit supply chain is achieved.The profit higher than contracted wholesale price is adopted within the set.
出处 《渤海大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2012年第1期92-96,共5页 Journal of Bohai University:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金(No:70671057) 山东省自然科学基金(No:ZR2010GM006)
关键词 供应链 契约 协调 期权 supply chain contract coordination option
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