This thesis will define the formation mechanism of RMB exchange rate as macro, meso and micro three levels. The macro level refers to the basic theory of the exchange rate, the meso level refers to the choice theory of ex- change rate and the micro level refers to the adjustment theory of exchange rate. After the definition of the RMB ex- change rate formation mechanism, this paper attempts to address the following issues: the problems the current RMB exchange rate formation mechanism; the impact on China' s macroeconomic and microeconomic main bodies because of the defect of the formation mechanism of RMB exchange rate; how to reform on the issues of the defect of the current RMB exchange rate formation mechanism. Having a clear awareness on the deficiencies of the current exchange rate formation mechanism and the influence on our nations' economy has the practical significance on promoting the reform of RMB exchange rate formation mechanism, and ensuring the stable and sustained growth of the economy.
Exchange Rate Formation Mechanism
Foreign Exchange Market
Capital Account