选9窝约长北3元杂交仔猪(116头)随机分成3组、第1、2组3周龄断奶,分别饲喂试验日粮和代乳料日粮。第3组6周龄断奶作为对照。6周龄到20公斤体重阶段饲喂同一营养水平的仔猪料,以比较3者的生产性能。试验结果表明:21—42日龄阶段,由于断奶应激,试验组日增重(ADG)明显低于对照组。42日龄以后至达20公斤体重阶段试验组的日增 重与对照组和代乳料组已无明显差异。早期断奶仔猪在度过断奶应激后,有补偿生长反应。
9 litters of 3-way cross piglets( Yorkshire, Landrace and Beijing-Black )were used to compare the performance of the piglets weaned at 3-weeks and 6-wedks fed fortified starter with or without milk products.
The results indicated that due to weaning stress the average daily gain of the early weaned piglets was lower than that of the piglets weaned at 6 weeks of age. From 6 weeks onwards till reaching 20 Kg body weight there was no difference in daily gain between two groups. The results also indicated that early weaned piglets had a compensatory growth after eight weeks of age.
Chinese Journal of Animal Science