国际标准化组织"机械振动与冲击"技术委员会制定的ISO 6954振动评价标准目前经历了两个版本:1984年版的《商船振动综合评估指南》和2000年版的《客船和商船适居性振动测量、报告和评价准则》。两者的内容存在很大不同:前者是针对船体振动的评估,后者是针对人体对船舶的适居性的评估。但目前基于这两种版本的振动评价标准仍然都被采用,部分船级社关于振动的指导性文件也同时引用了这两种版本,因此在具体使用中存在一定的模糊性。
The international standard ISO 6954, prepared by " Mechanical Vibration and Shock" Technical Committee ISO/TC 108, has experienced two versions: ISO 6954-1984, which gives the guidelines for the overall evaluation of vibration in merchant ships, and ISO 6954-2000, which gives guidelines for the measurement, reporting and evaluation of vibration with regard to habitability of passenger and merchant ships. There are significant differences between the two versions, although the two criteria are both in use at the present time. The main purpose of the paper is to compare the current version with its predecessor, mainly in aspects of theoretical approach and practical measurement. Comparison between the two versions by some key classification societies and relevant technical papers was introduced as well. The goal is to give some preliminary discussion about the application of the ISO 6954 code.
Journal of Vibration and Shock