利用外源激素PMSG+HCG处理母猪58头,同期发情有效率和超排成功率分别为89.3%(25/28)和100%(30/30)。14头供体用手采集胚胎,平均每头排卵23.6±6.2个,共获得胚胎218枚,其中可利用胚胎206枚,胚胎可利用率为94.5%。将143枚胚胎移植给10头 受体,平均每头移植14.3±3.6枚,8头受体妊娠并产仔52头,移植妊娠率为80%(8/10),平均每头产仔6.5头,妊娠母猪胚胎存活产仔率为45.6%(总产仔数/胚胎移植总数)。仔猪初生平均体重为1.25±0.28公斤。其中12头供体手术冲卵后,第1个情期发情配种受胎率为91.8%(11/12)。
Of 58 donors and recipients were treated with PMSG plus HCG. The synchnizat-ion rate and superovlation rate were 89.3% (25/28) and 100% (30/30) resp. 14 donors were performed. The average of each donor remained 23.6±6.2 cl. Total of 218 eggs was collected. 94.5% of the eggs was transable and 143 of them were transferred to 10 recipients. 8 recipients remained pregnant and farrowed with a average number of 6.5 piglets at 113.3±1.2 days of gestation. The average birth weight was 1.25±0.28 kg. The pregnant rate of donors during the first estrus was 91.8% (11/12). All the experiment shows that there is no bad influence upon reproductive performance in flushing donor. It is possible that PET technic is an important measure for the reprod-uctivity of the pig breed, export or import of new stock into swine herd as well as a tool to establish an SPF pig herd because there is usually a higher pregnant rate of PET.
Chinese Journal of Animal Science