

Cavitation erosion of Cr-Ni-Mo-Cu cladding layer and 304 stainless steel
摘要 将Cr-Ni-Mo-Cu合金通过钨极氩弧焊堆焊到304不锈钢表面,利用超声波振动设备模拟空蚀环境,研究Cr-Ni-Mo-Cu合金作为不锈钢堆焊层,在人工海水环境下的空蚀行为及耐空蚀性能,测定Cr-Ni-Mo-Cu堆焊合金空蚀过程中的失重量和失重率,并与同样空蚀条件下的304不锈钢进行对比,用扫描电镜(SEM)对试样堆焊层的空蚀后的表面与截面进行观察.结果表明:Cr-Ni-Mo-Cu合金材料比304不锈钢具有更好的耐空蚀性能;空蚀过程中合金在晶界薄弱处易产生裂纹,并在延伸和扩展后促使材料发生剥落;空蚀冲击使合金发生了加工硬化,提高了堆焊层的耐空蚀性能. The Cr-Ni-Mo-Cu alloy was used as build-up welding material to investigate cavitation corrosion by TIG surface welding and to compare with that of 304 stainless steel.Cavitation erosion test of Cr-Ni-Mo-Cu material as cladding layer was conducted on an ultrasonic vibratory apparatus under artificial sea water environment.The cavitation erosion rate was measured,and the surface morphology of cladding layer was observed by scanning electron microscopy(SEM).The results show that the cavitation resistant ability of Cr-Ni-Mo-Cu alloy is better than that of 304 stainless steel.The crack initiation tends to appear at grain boundaries of alloy during cavitation,and propagate before materials spalling.The work-hardening of alloy is achieved by the cavitation impact energy,and improves cavitation corrosion resistant ability of the cladding layer.
出处 《江苏大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS 北大核心 2012年第3期338-341,共4页 Journal of Jiangsu University:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家"973"计划项目(2008CB717802) 江苏省自然科学基金资助项目(BK2008224) 江苏大学校高级人才基金资助项目(09JDG003)
关键词 Cr-Ni-Mo-Cu堆焊合金 空泡腐蚀 失重 表面形貌 裂纹 Cr-Ni-Mo-Cu cladding layer cavitation-erosion mass loss surface morphology crack
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