
公共部门绩效评估:来自发展中国家的经验 被引量:7

Public Sector Performance Assessment:Experiences from Developing Countries
摘要 在过去的几年中,公共部门绩效评估的理念在很多发展中国家日渐盛行。但是,由于发展中国家的公共部门软弱无力,法律框架不一致,公共服务提供的数量和质量不足,以及问责机制不完善等因素,导致公共部门绩效评估变得愈加复杂,且充满挑战。因此,总结和分析发展中国家公共部门实施绩效测量系统所取得的经验和教训,提出更具指导性的建议就显得尤其重要。基于此,本文以菲律宾、尼泊尔和印度尼西亚三个亚洲国家公共部门的绩效测量系统为分析对象,采用案例研究的分析方法,着重探讨了近几年来这些国家在绩效测量系统的设计、实施和管理等方面的一些经验教训。尽管没有一种放之四海而皆准的解决方案,但是本文在对这些经验教训反思的基础上,总结出的具有可持续性的绩效评估系统成功的五个关键要素,即所有权、激励、简单化、透明度和部门政策目标,可以为发展中国家的公共部门绩效评估提供最好的实践指导①。 Over the last years,the concept of public sector performance assessment has become more and more popular in many developing countries.However,some problems including the public sector is weak,and the legal framework is inconsistent,even service delivery both in quantity and quality is lacking and accountability mechanisms are fragile in developing countries.Making governance performance assessment become more complex and challenging.Therefore,it is important to summarize and analyze practical experiences and lessons from public sector performance measurement system in developing countries,and put forward a more universal approach.Based on these,taking public sector performance measurement systems of Philippine,Nepal and Indonesia as research objects,this paper conducts case study to analyze the main features of the performance measurement systems of these countries,and their experiences in designing,implementing and managing performance measurement systems over the last years.Based on the reflection on the lessons learned from the application of the system,this paper rethought profoundly public sector performance assessment of the three mentioned countries.The research findings show that,although there is no 'one-size-fits-all' solution,the experiences of performance measurements in different countries have shown five important success factors regarding sustainable solutions for performance measurement systems : ownership,incentives,simplicity,transparency and sector policy objectives,which can provide a better guide of best practices for public sector performance assessment in developing countries.
出处 《公共管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期106-113,128,共8页 Journal of Public Management
关键词 公共部门 绩效评估 发展中国家 经验 Public Sector,Performance Assessment,Developing Country,Experience
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