简·奥斯丁 (1 775 - 1 81 7)是理性时代的作家。她的《傲慢与偏见》也不可避免地烙上了时代特色 ,其中男女主人公的“傲慢”与“偏见”即是他们受制于理性时的表现。然而 ,唯其如此 ,他们曲折的爱情和最终的结合也就更突出了感情的非凡力量。蕴于作品中的这种先抑后扬的情节构思 ,揭示了奥斯丁对人生的深刻领会和高于时代的进步意识 ,以及她的作品的“理性其外、浪漫其中”
Jane Austen was a writer in the age of rationality,which surely leaves its imprint upon her works“Pride and Prejudice”, heroes and heroines in the novel manifest the fact that they are rationally controlled.Such rationality,however,highlights the unusual power of emotionality when the characters finally get married after experiencing complicated love.This kind of first-restrained and then-emitted emtion in the novel displays Austen’s profound knowledge of life and her progressive thought surpassing her times.It also represents the characteristics of “the exterior-rationalism and the interior-romanticism”in her literary works.
Journal of Sichuan International Studies University