
BF自由基X^1Σ^+和a^3Π态光谱常数和分子常数研究 被引量:1

Spectroscopic parameters and molecular constants of X^1Σ^+ and a^3Π electronic states of BF radical
摘要 采用内收缩多参考组态相互作用方法和相关一致基aug-cc-pV6Z,对BF自由基X^1∑^+和a^3Π态的势能曲线进行了研究.计算是在0.095-133 nm的核间距内进行的.为获得更准确的结果,计算中还考虑了Davidson修正、相对论修正及核价相关修正对势能曲线的影响.相对论修正采用的方法是二阶DouglasKroll哈密顿近似,修正计算是在cc-pV5Z基组水平上进行的.核价相关修正使用的是cc-pCV5Z基组.利用得到的势能曲线,拟合出了各种修正下BF自由基X^1∑^+和a^3Ⅱ态的光谱常数De,Re,ωe,ωeχe,ωeye,Be和αe、并与实验结果进行了比较.结果表明:考虑Davidson修正、相对论修正和核价相关修正后得到的光谱常数最接近实验结果.利用修正后的势能曲线,通过求解径向振转Schr6dinger方程,找到了转动量子数J=0时这两个电子态的全部振动态,并计算了每一电子态前20个振动态的振动能级、惯性转动常数和离心畸变常数,其值与已有的实验结果较为一致.本文得到的光谱常数和分子常数达到了很高的精度,能为进一步的光谱实验提供可靠的参考. The potential energy curves(PECs) of the X^1∑^+and a^3Πelectronic states of the BF radical are studied by employing the ab initio quantum chemical method.The calculations are performed by using the complete active space self-consistent field(CASSCF) method followed by the valence internally contracted multireference configuration interaction(MRCI) approach in combination with the basis set,aug-cc-pV6Z,for internuclear separations from 0.095 to 1.33 nm.The effects of the Davidson modification and core-valence correlation and relativistic corrections on the PECs are included.The way to consider the relativistic correction is to employ the second-order DouglasKroll Hamiltonian approximation.The relativistic correction is carried out at the level of cc-pV5Z basis set. And the core-valence correlation correction is made by using the cc-pCV5Z basis set.With the PECs obtained here,the spectroscopic parameters(D_e,R_e,ω_e,ω_ex_e,ω_ey_e,B_e andα_e) are determined and compared with those reported in the literature.With the PECs obtained by the MRCI+Q/aug-cc-pV6Z+CV+DK calculations,the complete vibrational states are computed for each electronic state when J = 0.And the vibrational levels,the inertial rotation constants and the centrifugal distortion constants of the first 20 vibrational states of each electronic state are reported.On the whole,as expected,the spectroscopic parameters and molecular constants closest to the experimental data are determined by the MRCI+Q/ aug-cc-pV6Z+DK+CV calculations for the two electronic states.
出处 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期124-131,共8页 Acta Physica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(批准号:10874064和61077073) 河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划(批准号:2008HASTI T008) 河南省教育厅自然科学研究计划(批准号:2011C140002)资助的课题~~
关键词 核价相关修正 相对论修正 势能曲线 光谱常数 core-valence correlation correction relativistic correction potential energy curve spectroscopic parameter
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