管辖音系学是目前生成音系学中主要音系学理论之一, 系建立在以制约原则和参数基础之上的音系学理论。这一理论经过20 来年的不断探索和发展, 现在已逐渐走向成熟。系统了解这一理论产生的背景、基本原则和分析方法, 以及主要制约手段, 无疑有利于拓宽我们的研究视野, 有利于促进汉语的音系研究和发展。
Government phonology is one of the major theories of generative phonology. It is a “principles and parameters”based phonological theory. With 20 years of continuous exploration and development, it has now been well established. A systematic understanding of its basic theoretical principles and methods will undoubtedly broaden our view of research and thus be of much help to our phonological research on the Chinese language. Therefore, The present paper will first address the origin and evolution of this theory, then introduce its major constraining devices and finally give a brief account of its characteristics and the present situation of its research.
Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages