跨文化交际学主要研究文化与语言的关系, 侧重于研究文化差异带给母国语言和异国语言的不同影响,以达到顺利进行跨文化交际的目的。作为语言背景的深层文化, 在民族性和国民性的形成过程中均起决定性作用。而不同的民族性或国民性又决定了同一意义的话语在表达方式和表态方式上各不相同。日本人受和文化影响, 受间人主义、等级观念、论资排辈思想的制约, 表达方式恭敬、委婉, 表态暧昧含糊。
The study of intercultural communication mainly deals with the relations between culture and language, laying special emphasis on the different impacts of the cultural differences between mother country and foreign countries on the mother tongue and foreign languages, so as to facilitate intercultural communication. As the background to language, the deep going culture plays a decisive role in the formation of ethnicity and nationality. And different ethnicity or nationality determines different modes of expression and attitudes for discourses of the same meaning. The Japanese are so conditioned by their culture and restricted by people to people relations, sense of social estate and seniority that they often use respectful and tactful expressions as well as ambiguous and vague statements.
Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages