According to the sharp increase demand of crude oil import of China, it shows that we must solve the problem of how to avoid the risk of trad- ing and . In China, the business of crude oil purchasing and paper hedging of the crude oil precessing and petroleum products production companies is strictly controlled by the government and policy, producer' s ability of controlling the cost and risk is very weak without enough hedging. This thesis point out the situ- ation of petroleum trade tend to "financialisation" if we just accept the oil price passively without risk management ,risk exposure would occur. Since the crude oil cost occupy 95 percent of the petrochemical or refinery, it is important to use the oil trade financial derivatives to manage the market risk. This thesis use descriptive research and illustrational method to discover the way for petrochemical or refinery to use appropriate hedging to avoid market and price fluctuations, adjust valuation type and time period, adjust absolute price ,and lots of operations. So it can provide flexible mechanisms for trading operators to manage the risk position of crude oil, and make more room for manoeuvre of the physical transactions. This thesis point out it is very important to pursue risk management of the petroleum refineries and companies who expect to win the international competitive- ness. For the controlling of oil risk, particularly for the refineries in China mainland, they should use the approach of risk management and financial instruments to develop the ability of risk controlling and resources obtaining.