
叶尔羌河流域绿洲蒸散量的遥感估算 被引量:9

RS-based Estimation of Evapotranspiration in the Yarkant Oasis
摘要 以谐波法与双源遥感蒸散模型TSEB的耦合算法为基础,将模型反演的瞬时潜热通量扩展到日、月、年等时间尺度,并应用于新疆叶尔羌河流域绿洲。利用MODIS数据,结合地面气象资料,模拟分析了叶尔羌河绿洲2007年耗水的年内过程、区域分布以及不同土地利用的耗水比例。尽管该遥感方法只考虑地表能量平衡,但所模拟的绿洲年耗水总量与水量平衡法的估算结果接近,不同土地利用类型的蒸散量与类似山区来水条件下绿洲散耗型水文模型的模拟结果比较接近,表明该方法可以用于绿洲的耗水分析,估算结果可为绿洲水资源配置提供科学依据。 In this paper, the values of latent heat flux were estimated for the Yarkant Oasis using the coupled algorithm of the harmonic analysis method, two-source energy balance (TSEB) model and MODIS data. The instantaneous evapotranspiration (ET) was extended to daily, monthly and annual scales. The spatiotemporal distribution of water consumption in the oasis in 2007 was analyzed. Water consumption proportions of different land use types were also calculated. In remote sensing method, though the surface energy balance was considered only, the differences between the simulated results of annual water consumption over the oasis and the values computed with water balance equation were low. Mean simulated annual ET results approximated to the values estimated with the runoff-evaporation hydrological model for all the land use types. The results reveal that the ET model used in this paper can be used for researching water consumption in oasis, and the estimated results can provide scientific basis for redistributing water resources in the Yarkant Oasis.
出处 《干旱区研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期479-486,共8页 Arid Zone Research
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51179083)
关键词 绿洲 蒸散模型 潜热通量 MODIS 土地利用类型 叶尔羌河流域 新疆 Oasis evapotranspiration model latent heat flux MODIS land use Yarkant Xinjiang
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