
福岛核事故后西北某地放射性核素监测 被引量:2

Radionuclide Monitoring of Some Place in Xinjiang after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident
摘要 2011年4月2日至5月19日,采集气溶胶样品36个;3月30日采集空气中的放射性氙样品1个;4月5日采集降雪雪水样品1个。采用超低本底HPGeγ谱仪系统测量,获得了131I、134Cs、137Cs、133Xe及天然7Be活度浓度。监测到了福岛核事故释放扩散至我国西北某地的放射性核素131I、134Cs、137Cs和133Xe,131I、134Cs和137Cs于4月6日达到最大值,活度浓度分别为0.95 mBq/m3、0.25 mBq/m3和0.24mBq/m3;空气样品133Xe活度浓度为100 mBq/m3;雪水样品中131I、134Cs和137Cs的活度浓度分别为240mBq/L、19 mBq/L和23 mBq/L。此监测结果可为研究福岛核事故放射性核素对全球的影响提供基础数据。 On 2 April to 19 May 2011, collected 36 aerosol samples; March 30th collected a sample of radioactive xenon in the air; April 5th collected a sample of snow water. Measured and obtained activity concentration of 131I, 134Cs, 137Cs, 133 Xe and natural 7 Be by using ultra -low background HPGe γ spectrometer system. Monitored and found some radionuclides which spread to release somewhere in Xinjiang in China after Fukushima nuclear accident, including 131I, 134Cs, 137Cs and 133Xe, '31I, 134Cs and 137Cs, on April 6, their radiation levels reach maximum, and their activity concentration were respectively 0. 95, 0.25 and O. 24 mBq/m3 ; the activity concentration of mXe in air samples was 100 mBq/m3 ; and the activity concentration of 1hi, mCs and mCs in snow water samples were respectively 240, 19, 23 mBq/L. The monitoring results provide the basic data for the study the influence of radionuclides in Fukushima nuclear accident on the global.
出处 《核电子学与探测技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期265-268,共4页 Nuclear Electronics & Detection Technology
关键词 福岛核事故 人工放射性核素 气溶胶 7Be核素 辐射环境监测 Fukushima Nuclear Accident, Artificial radionuclide, aerosol, 7Be nuclide, Environmental radia-tion monitoring
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