目的探讨纵隔内气管旁含气囊肿(PACM)的CT表现及鉴别诊断,提高对此病的认识。方法 103例PACM的CT轴位图像及部分重建图像进行回顾性分析,观察PACM部位、大小、形态、边缘及内部结构等并进行分型。结果 103例PACM,平扫87例,增强16例,均位于胸廓入口水平气管旁,以气管旁右侧6~9点区多见约98%(101/103),左侧气管旁及双侧气管旁少见、仅1%(1/103)。单侧单房占82.5%(85/103),单侧多房占16.5%(17/103),双侧型仅1例。CT表现为卵圆形或不规则形囊状含气密度影,囊壁菲薄,大小不一,边缘清晰,增强后囊壁可见中等均匀强化。PACM与气管及食管关系密切,21.4%与气管相通(22/103),14.6%相应气管局部略扩大变形(15/103),仅1例出现食管移位(1/103)。结论 PACM典型表现为胸廓入口水平气管旁含气囊腔,应注意勿误诊为其它病变。
Objective To assess the helical CT appearance of para-tracheal air cyst (PAC). Methods CT of 103 patients with PAC was reviewed. The location, size, shape, margin and internal structure of PAC were observed. Results The 103 PAC included unilateral single-cell (85), unilateral multi-cells (17), and bilateral single-cell (1) cysts located in the 6-9 o'clock para-tracheal position at the level of thoracic inlet. Most were on the right (101) with one on the left and one on both sides of the trachea. The oval or irregular air-containing cysts had contrast-enhancing thin walls and septa (40). The PAC communicated with the trachea in 22/103 with tracheal lumen dilatation (15) or esophageal displacement (1). Conclusion The CT features of PAC include air-containing cyst in close relationship with the trachea at the level of thoracic inlet.
Diagnostic Imaging & Interventional Radiology