
南昌市部分公共场所二手烟暴露现况调查 被引量:3

Current Status of Second-Hand Smoke Exposure in Parts of Public Places in Nanchang City
摘要 目的了解南昌市部分公共场所的二手烟暴露情况。方法对南昌市医院、学校、政府机构、疾控机构和公共交通场所共101家场所进行现场观察,对场所内的1 870名工作人员和来访者进行问卷调查,并监测市区场所室内空气中的PM2.5浓度。结果被调查的101个场所中,15.8%为全面禁烟场所,20.8%有禁烟标志,18.8%有控烟宣传栏,但在公共场所吸烟现象仍比较普遍。非吸烟工作人员中,有37.1%在工作场所受到二手烟的侵害,不同类型场所的工作人员二手烟暴露率间差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。不同场所类型空气中PM2.5的平均浓度不同,差异有统计学意义(P=0.023),其中公共交通场所室内空气中PM2.5的浓度最高,其值高达122.98μg/m3;学校、政府和疾控机构相对较低。影响室内PM2.5浓度的因素包括室内吸烟人数和场所1公里内有工地,其中室内吸烟人数影响较大。结论公共场所吸烟现象严重,二手烟暴露率高,禁烟措施不完善,执行力度不够。需要加强宣传教育,同时出台符合《烟草控制框架公约》的地方法规。 Objective To explore the current status of Second-hand smoke exposure in parts of public places in Nanchang city. Methods Observation on site in 101 public places,including hospitals,schools,service halls of government,organizations for control of diseases,and public transportation places,was conducted.The questionnaire survey was performed among 1 870 employees and visitors,and the TSI Side Pak was used to measure indoor air PM2.5 level in public places in the urban area. Results In all the 101 public places 15.8% was smoking forbidden sites,20.8% with ban-smoking signs and 18.8% with billboards for tobacco control.It was still common that people smoke in public places.Among non-smoking employees the secondhand smoke exposure rate was 37.1% in workplaces,and the secondhand smoke exposure rates of workers with different types of workplaces showed statistical difference(P0.001).The indoor air PM2.5 levels in different types of public places were significantly different(P=0.023).And the indoor air PM2.5 level in public transportation places was the maximum,amounting to 122.98 μg/m3,but those of the schools,governments and organizations for control of diseases were relatively lower.The factors influencing the indoor air PM2.5 level included the number of smokers and that there were building sites within 1 km with the former factor being the evident. Conclusion The condition of smoking in public places is serious,and the rate of second-hand smoke exposure is high,Anti-smoking measures are imperfect and the implementation of the measures is not intensive.It is necessary to strengthen propaganda and education and to formulate a local policy of tobacco control consistent with the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control(FCTC).
出处 《中国全科医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第13期1516-1518,共3页 Chinese General Practice
基金 中国南昌:创建100%室内无烟环境和促进100%无烟立法项目(Union-China-OC-402D)
关键词 二手烟 公共场所 工作场所 烟草对健康的危害 Second-hand smoke Public places Workplaces Tobacco use disorder
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