
不同书虱品系的磷化氢半数击倒时间与抗性相关性研究 被引量:3

Correlation between half knockdown time and phosphine resistance of stored product psocides
摘要 参照FAO推荐方法测定了磷化氢对嗜卷书虱(Liposcelis bostrychophila(Badonnel))2个品系、嗜虫书虱(L.entomophila(Enderlein))3个品系和小眼书虱(L.paeta(Pearman))3个品系等共8个不同来源书虱的毒力和抗性系数Rf,测定了磷化氢浓度为2mg/mL条件下供试各书虱品系的半数击倒时间KT50,分析了其LC50值与KT50值的相关性。结果为:3种书虱的8个品系对磷化氢的抗性差异明显,高抗性的嗜虫书虱的磷化氢抗性比敏感的嗜卷书虱高1000倍以上,各品系书虱的KT50值与Rf值呈正相关,相应LC50值之对数与KT50值的对数呈直线相关。结果表明,磷化氢对书虱成虫的半数击倒时间KT50值可以用来判断书虱抗性大小,并可用于快速判断抗性以指导现场熏蒸。 The toxicity and resistance factor(Rf) of eight strains of psocide were assayed with FAO recommended method that included in two strains of Liposcelis bostrychophila (Badonnel), three strains of L. entomophila (Enderlein) and three strains of L. paeta (Pearman). And half knowdown time ( KT50) to the adults was assessed for all the strains of insect with 2 mg/mL of phosphine concentration. Further more the relativity between KT50 and LC50 was discussed. The results involved in that there was remarkable different of phosphine resistance among the assayed booklice. The resistance factor (Rf) of L. entomophila of high resistance was more than one thousand times L. bostrychophila that was took as reference strain. The longer of KT50, the higher of Rf. There was a line- arity correlation between the KT50 and Rf after that both factors was conversed in logarithm. The results indicate that KT50 can be taken to reference to assay the level of phosphine resistance of psocide and to guide the field fu- migation quickly.
出处 《植物检疫》 北大核心 2012年第3期17-20,共4页 Plant Quarantine
基金 中国国家粮食局和澳大利亚国际农业研究中心合作项目(ACIAR PHT 98137)
关键词 书虱 磷化氢 抗性 半数击倒时间 相关性 psocide phosphine resistance half knowdown time ( KT50 ) correlation
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