广东省政府重点扶持的83 户大型企业集团在我省国民经济中占有非常重要的地位,但目前也面临着经济体制、企业制度转换,市场竞争加剧,经营难度加大的挑战。研究报告认为,进一步发展壮大我省的大型企业集团,首先要求政府集中精力,积极营造有利于大型企业集团走向市场的外部环境;其次要重点规范集团母公司的法人治理结构,健全以产权为纽带的母子公司体系,为集团强化中长期战略管理,实现围绕核心竞争力的低成本扩张,带动广东产业结构与产品结构的调整扫清制度障碍。研究报告呼吁大集团要以发展高新科技来抢占市场竞争的制高点,通过市场培育出一批现代企业家,为我广东大型企业集团跨世纪的持续发展,跻身世界跨国公司500
Based on normative research, it is found that the 83 large enterprise groups (LEGs) specially supported by Guangdong government have been playing very important roles in the economy of this province. On the other hand, the LEGs are alse confronted with serious challenges from the transmutations of China's economic and enterprise's systems, from the intersified marketing competitions which have raised more difficulties in their operational management. This paper suggests that the government concentrate on building the environments to help the LEGs enter the marketing economy. Building up a standardized corporate governance is indispensable, especially to LEG's parent companies. It is also very important to strengthen the parent and son company system within LEGs based on property rights to clear away obstacles to reinforce middle and long term strategic management, to put into effect lower cost expanding around enterprises' core competitive force, and to speed up the constructive readjustments and upgrading of products and industries in this province. The research report also holds that the LEGs can capture and dominate the market by developing higher and new technology, and that it is badly in need of bringing up a large number of modern entrepreneurs. Only in this way, can Guangdong's LEG keep developing themselves successively over the next century and enable to rank among the world's largest 500 transnational companies.
larger enterprise group(LEG)
market environments
readjustment of industrial structures
high and new technology
study on countermeasures