理想人格的培养一直是中国历代哲学家所普遍关注的问题 ,他们也提出了各种各样具有真知卓见的人格理想 ,但理想人格理论是与现实联系在一起的。而当今社会最大的现实就是人与自然、人与社会、人与自我的矛盾 ,因而 。
Chinese philosophers of every period paid attention to cultivating ideal personality, and they also proposed wise ideas about personality. But the theory of ideal personality is related to reality. The most important aspect of the reality of this world is the conflicts between human and nature, man and society, man and hinself. As a result, contemporary ideal personality which includes truth, goodness and beauty, should be embodied in harmonizing the relations of the three.
Journal of Anhui Normal University(Hum.&Soc.Sci.)