墨西哥当代小说家胡安·鲁尔福享誉世界文坛 ,成为“以少胜多的典范”。其成功之处在于典型基质的农村题材 ,解剖式的主题开掘 ,丰富的文化蕴涵 ,独特的叙事技巧等等 ,其中又以叙事技巧的运用最出色 ,如多重视角叙事 ,紧扣主题的叙事手段与结构配置和笔调神韵 ;但最为关键的还是作者能将这些小说要素和谐地统一起来 。
Juan Rulfo, a prominent contemporary Mexican writer, was praised as a “model of pitting one against ten”. His success in writing lies in such aspects as typified rural lives, deeply-appraised theme expositions, abundant cultural containments and unique narrative techniques, in which stands out the application of the techniques involving multiple narrative perspectives, narrative finesses and structural dispositions closely matched with the themes, and the tune or style, but his most successful contribution is that he combines these writing elements into a harmonious and united work of art.
Journal of Anhui Normal University(Hum.&Soc.Sci.)