通过考察我国古典时期几个主要阶段诗歌韵律发展变化的情况 ,可以发现 ,古典时期每一次诗歌的大繁盛 ,都和诗歌韵律的确立或改进 ,以及与此密切相关的新诗体的成功构建 ,有着十分紧密的联系。随着这一进程的推进 ,中国诗歌韵律逐渐达到了它的非凡高度 ,诗歌体式日益丰富多样。另一个重要特点是 ,每一个构建出新诗体的时代 ,都既以这种新体式为主 ,同时又保留以前的诗歌体式 ,即不简单否定此前的诗歌体式 ,形式多样并存、各体竞相发挥作用的格局。诗歌韵律、体式的不断改进和构建 ,以及宽容的多样化尝试 ,使古典诗歌的能量能够最充分地释放出来 。
As a result of the constant progress, Chinese poetry gradually reached its incomparable height in respect of its rhythmic patterns and rhyming schemes, its poetic genres becoming more and more diversified. In addition, each poetic period was characterized by a dominant poetic form with all previous forms incorporated rather than rejected, resulting in the coexistence of a variety of poetic forms and complementary to each other. The constant progress and reconstruction of rhythmic patterns, rhyming schemes and poetic genres, made it possible for classical Chinese poetry to fulfill its potentials and attain its height of achievements.$$$$
Journal of Shenyang Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)