The Gulf of Suez region is one of the most interesting geothermal areas in Egypt because of the high temperatures of its springs.The eastern and western shores of the Gulf of Suez are characterized by superficial thermal manifestations including a cluster of hot springs with varied temperatures.Variations of deuterium and oxygen-18 concentrations in thermal waters have been used to aid in describing the source of recharge in the Gulf of Suez hot springs.Isotope and geochemical data for the Gulf of Suez thermal waters suggest that recharge to the hot springs may not be entirely from the Gulf of Suez water,but possibly from the meteoric water that comes from areas of higher altitude surrounding the hot springs.
The Gulf of Suez region is one of the most interesting geothermal areas in Egypt because of the high temperatures of its springs.The eastern and western shores of the Gulf of Suez are characterized by superficial thermal manifestations including a cluster of hot springs with varied temperatures.Variations of deuterium and oxygen-18 concentrations in thermal waters have been used to aid in describing the source of recharge in the Gulf of Suez hot springs.Isotope and geochemical data for the Gulf of Suez thermal waters suggest that recharge to the hot springs may not be entirely from the Gulf of Suez water,but possibly from the meteoric water that comes from areas of higher altitude surrounding the hot springs.
the stuff of National Research of Astronomy and Geophysics,Egypt for their continuous support and help