在 1930年前后的历史小说创作热潮中 ,施蛰存以其独特的创作风貌迥异于鲁迅等作家。他有意选取古代神化的英雄作为自己的表现对象 ,真实地展示古代英雄内在的性欲冲动和二重性格 ,从而赋予了他们丰富的人性 ,将神化的英雄还原为人。
About 1930, there was a creative upsurge of historical novels, in which ShI Zhe cun was utterly different from LU Xun and other authors by his unique style of creation. He intended to select the ancient deified heroes as his leading characters. He restored these deified heroes to men through giving them graceful human nature by really showing these ancient heroes' inner sexual passion and dual character. The way that he restored also meant he had re explained the history with modern consciousness.
Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Social Sciences)