目的:把握目前国际补充替代医学(complementary and alternativemedicine,CAM)研究的发展态势,为我国中医药相关工作的开展提供参考依据和科学的量化信息支持。方法:以PubMed数据库为检索源,国际CAM科技论文为研究对象,采用普赖斯指数增长定律、布拉德福定律等信息计量学经典方法和关联规则等文本挖掘技术,对目前国际CAM研究的文献增长规律,高生产力国家、机构,核心期刊,以及研究的热点、前沿领域进行系统、全面的分析。结果:1998~2010年,国际CAM科技论文量呈上升趋势,且增长规律符合普赖斯指数增长定律;开展CAM研究的国家和地区范围广泛;期刊分布核心趋势明显;高等院校是研究的主体;植物药、针灸、心身疗法、整体疗法等是研究的热点疗法;肿瘤(乳腺癌)、慢性疾病(中风、糖尿病、高血压)、心身疾病(心理应激、焦虑、抑郁、精神障碍)、疼痛(下腰背痛、颈痛)等则是采用CAM疗法进行干预的主要病症。结论:CAM研究将继续增加;肿瘤的CAM防治研究仍是世界范围内的关注重点;主要疗法的临床疗效、安全性与生物学基础是CAM研究的重要任务;心身疗法研究不断增多,临床疗效与生物机制研究是关键;CAM干预症状受到重视,研究前景广阔;CAM符合并有助于促进现代医学模式的发展与完善;中医药是CAM研究的重要领域,中国的优势地位面临挑战。
OBJECTIVE: To have an overview of the international status and trends of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) research, and to provide a reference tool for researchers.
METHODS: Taking PubMed as the retrieval source, and using the methods of informetrics analysis (such as Price’s Law of exponential growth, Bradford’s law) and text mining (association rules), CAM articles published between 1998 and 2010 were statistically analyzed on, for example, document growth, core journals and active fields.
RESULTS: The literature about CAM research published between 1998 and 2010 showed the trends of exponential growth in quantity. Regional distribution of literature was extensive; China and the United States were the two major sources. Forty-five periodicals were selected from core journals based on Bradford’s law of scattering; some colleges and schools constituted the main force in research on CAM. The active fields mainly focus on (1) acupuncture research; (2) phytotherapy research; (3) mind-body medicine; (4) integrative medicine; (5) treatment and prevention of key conditions such as neoplasm, low back pain, mental disorder and chronic diseases.
CONCLUSION: (1) CAM research has attracted attention from all over the world, and it will enter a rapid development stage in the future; (2) Treatment and prevention of neoplasm is a consistent key subject and research field in global CAM research; (3) Elucidating clinical effects, mechanisms of action, and safety of major CAM methods contitutes the most important task; (4) Studies on mind-body medicine have increased in recent years, so clinical evaluation and studies of mind-body interventions should be supported; (5) Research has been done increasingly for identification of the clinical effects and biological mechanisms of CAM interventions in symptom management; (6) Research on CAM will stimulate the development of modern medical model; (7) TCM is an active discipline of CAM, and China will thus face increasing challenges.
Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine
complementary therapies
information research