
当代心理治疗整合的反思与展望 被引量:10

Reflections and the Future Developments on Contemporary Psychotherapy Integration
摘要 心理治疗整合是指试图超越某单一心理治疗流派的局限,借鉴其他流派的优势,对各种不同的治疗理论和方法持包容和开放的态度的一种当代心理治疗取向。心理治疗整合主要有四种模式:技术折衷、共同因素、理论整合、同化整合。整合取向仍是目前心理治疗的大势所趋,越来越多的治疗师开始接受整合理念,不仅不同的治疗理论和方法之间需要整合,而且理论研究与临床实践也需要整合。 Abstract:Psychotherapy integration is defined as an approach to psychotherapy that mcluaes a variety oI attempts to roOK beyond the confines of single--school approaches in order to see what can be learned from other perspectives. It is charac- terized by openness to various ways of integrating diverse theories and techniques. There are four major approaches of psy- chotherapy integration: common factors, assimilative integration, technical eclecticism, and theoretical integration. Inte- gration approach is still the current trend of psychological treatment, and more and more therapists begin to accept the con- cepts of integration. Not only between different theories and methods of treatment need to be integrated, but theoretical research and clinical practice also need to be consolidated.
出处 《医学与哲学(A)》 北大核心 2012年第5期33-34,73,共3页 Medicine & Philosophy:Humanistic & Social Medicine Edition
关键词 心理治疗整合 同化整合 统一模式 psychotherapy integration, assimilative integration, uni^ied model
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