通过汤森路透Web of Science收录的极地研究论文计量分析可以看出,20世纪90年代以来国际上关于极地研究的文献大量涌现。论文发表量与地域优势有着密切关系,南半球国家的极地研究论文大多是关于南极的,环北极国家对北极的研究明显多于南极。当前极地科学研究主要涉及地球科学多学科、海洋学、生态学、气象与大气科学、环境科学、生物学、自然地理学、地球化学与地球物理学等学科领域。极地研究的热点问题包括气候变化、北极生态系统和环境污染、南极地质构造和磷虾等。建议密切关注国际极地研究的发展态势与进展,鼓励我国海洋学家、气象学家、地质学家、环境生态学家、生物学家、社会经济学家和政治学家有计划有步骤地开展研究,为我国赢取更广泛参与极地事务的发展空间。
The papers on the Antarctica and the Arctic were indexed from ISI Web of Science database. The quantitative analysis was done and the result showed that international polar research increases remarkably from the 1990s. The amount of papers has a close relationship with the regional superiority. The countries located in the southern hemisphere have more papers about the Antarctic, whereas the countries in the northern hemisphere have more papers about the Arctic. The subjects mainly involve multidisciplinary geosciences, oceanography, ecology, meteorology & atmospheric sciences, environmental sciences, biology, physical geography, geochemistry & geophysics. The hot topics include climate change, Arctic ecosystems and environmental pollution, Antarctic geological structure and krill, etc. For China, it is needed to pay more attention to the development trend of international polar research and encourage oceanographers, meteorologists, geologists, environmental ecologists, biologists, socio-economic and political scientists step by step to carry out research for a wider space which can ensure our country to get wider development space for participating polar affairs.
Science Focus
bibliometric analysis, Antarctica, Arctic, progress and trends