

Cfinical analysis of the injury-related factors of ocular trauma of petrochemical workers
摘要 目的分析石化工人眼外伤致伤的相关因素和临床特点,为安全监督部门制定安全生产条例提供科学依据,以有效的预防眼外伤的发生。方法对2010年10月至2011年10月在本科室就诊的106例石化工人眼外伤的病因和特点进行回顾性分析。结果石化工人眼外伤共106例(117眼)。男92例(101眼),占86.79%;女14例(16眼),占13.21%,男:女=6.57:l,男性显著高于女性。年龄以18—50岁居多。受伤者工种主要为炼油工(40.57%),烯烃工(34.91%),热电工(11.32%)。致伤物主要为金属(41.03%),化学物质(27.35%),热烧伤(18.80%)。外伤的类型主要为眼睑血肿及裂伤(29.06%),化学烧伤(27.35%),热烧伤(18.80%),角膜异物(16.24%)。伤后视力多为0.05—0.3(79.48%)。治疗后视力0.12~1.0者占85.47%。结论石化工人眼外伤对视力的影响较严重,伤者多为青壮年男性工人。加强安全教育、重视劳动安全防护对预防和减少眼外伤的发生是非常重要的。 Objective To analyze the related factors and clinical characteristics of ocular trauma of the petrochemical workers, providing a scientific basis for the safety supervision departments to develop safe- ty regulations, to effectively prevent the incidence of the ocular trauma. Methods Medical records of 106 petrochemical workers with ocular trauma from October 2010 to October 2011 were reviewed retrospectively for the analysis of the causes and clinical characteristics. Results There were 106 cases ( 117 eyes) of ocular trauma of petrochemical workers, in which 92 cases ( 101 eyes, accounting for 86.79% ) were male and 14 cases ( 16 eyes, accounting for 13.21% ). Male : female = 6.57 : 1, men were significantly higher than women. Most of the patients aged 18 to 50 years old. Work types of injuries were as follows: refinery workers (40.57%), olefin workers (34.91%), thermal electrical workers ( 11.32% ). The materials causing ocular trauma were followed by metals (41.03%), chemicals (27.35%), thermal burns ( 18.80% ), The types of the ocular trauma were followed by eyelid hematoma and laceration (29.06%), chemical bums (27.35%), thermal burns ( 18.80% ), corneal foreign body ( 16.24% ). The postoperative visual acuity were 0.05 - 0.3 in 91 eyes (79.48%). The vision after treatment improved markedly compared with before treatment were 0. 12 - 1.0 (85.47%). Conclusion The ocular trauma of the petrochemical workers can cause serious effects on vision, most injured workers were young men. Strengthen safety education, emphasis on labor safety and protection were very important to prevent and reduce the incidence of ocular trauma.
出处 《中华眼外伤职业眼病杂志》 2012年第5期334-337,共4页 Chinese Journal of Ocular Trauma and Occupational Eye Disease
基金 基金项目:天津.天津市滨海新区大港区域社会发展科技项目(2011-02-003)
关键词 石化工人 眼外伤 分析 Petrochemical workers Ocular trauma Analysis
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