
前庭自旋转试验和冷热试验在突发性聋预后评估中的应用比较 被引量:1

The Application of the Vestibular Autorotation Test and the Caloric Test in the Patients with Sudden Deafness in Prognosis Assessment
摘要 目的在突发性聋患者诊治过程中运用前庭自旋转试验(vestibular autorotation test,VAT)和冷热试验(caloric test,CT)技术进行半规管功能检测,探讨两种方法在突发性耳聋预后评估中作用的差异性。方法对23例突发性聋患者进行前庭功能检查(VAT,CT)及听力学检查(纯音测听、声导抗测试、听性脑干反应);用Stata4.0统计软件做统计分析,分别按痊愈.显效、有效、无效,听力曲线类型及是否伴眩晕进行分组,用RXC联表对各计数因素行卡方检验。结果统计结果表明两种方法差异无统计学意义(P〉O.05)。结论前庭自旋转试验和冷热试验在突发性聋预后评估中的作用无差异。有无眩晕仅在前庭功能异常时对突聋的预后有较大的影响。突聋伴发的眩晕不一定是前庭损害的结果。 Objective To assess the vestibular functions of patients with sudden deafness by vestibular autorotation test(VAT) and caloric test (CT) and to discuss the difference of the two methods in the prognosis assessment of sudden deafness. Methods A total of 23 patients received the vestibular function test (vestibular autorotation test and caloric test) and audiological tests (pure-tone audiometry, acoustic immittance measurement, auditory brainstem response). The chi-square (zx2) test was used to evaluate the associations. Results The chi-square test showed that the two vestibular assessment methods had no statistical significance in assessing the prognosis of sudden deafness (P 〉0. 05) . Conciusion There is no significant difference between VAT and CT in the prognosis assessment of sudden deafness. The vertigo will have an influence on the prognosis only when the vestibular function is abnormal. The vertigo in patients with sudden deafness is not necessarily due to the vestibular damage.
出处 《中国听力语言康复科学杂志》 2012年第3期179-181,共3页 Chinese Scientific Journal of Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation
关键词 前庭自旋转试验 冷热试验 突发性聋 Vestibular autorotation test Caloric test Sudden deafness
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